Exercises + Handouts
Here you will find some templates, handout and exercises that you can complete then review with your mentor, manager or even email it in to see how well you did or where you need to improve.
Trainers are also welcome to utilise these to assist their leaners by setting group or extension activities.
PTS (Personal Track Safety)
LKT/SW (Lookout / Site Warden)
OLEC (Overhead Line Construction)
IWA (Individual Working Alone)
COSS (Controller of Site Safety)
PC (Protection Controller)
Coming Soon
ES (Engineering Supervisor)
S/PICOP (Person In Charge of Possession)
Any handout or template is to aid learners in remembering or completing exercises.
The exercises have been created by us to help provide learners with an alternative method of revision and to test their own improvements.
This page is regularly monitored and amended with any updates. If we have missed anything or made any silly spelling errors, please feel free to let us know :)